Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Wait is Over

It is now time for the long-awaited/overdue update. So..where do I begin??? Let's start with the house.

This was the last picture I took of our poor home. It was right after they tore down the kitchen and began work on the rest of the house. Estimated date that this picture was take was about 3 weeks ago (give or take). Now, just image the whole front porch gone and the walls of the house extended out to where the porch was; with the front door in a little alcove type thing. Very cute on the outside...however, not the case on the inside. They have decided to take our nice, cozy house that was just perfect with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath and turn it into a 3 bed 2 bath house. Now, as you can tell the house is not that putting an extra bedroom and bath inside makes it quite cramped. Not to mention the fact that our decent sized living room and now split in half to accommodate for the extra rooms and has to be shared with the kitchen.

And this is not all. The main reason why I have not taken a picture since the beginning of the process is because we are NOT moving back in after the remodel. Our landlord informed us a couple weeks ago that because of all the money going into the remodel and bringing the house up to code, he will be putting up for sale after the contractors are finished. GREAT. So this past Sunday and Monday I spent my only two days off to move my entire house (which had be smushed into either the basement or the guest bedroom to be out of the contractors way) back up to my parents house (which is now smushed into their office and living room). So, we are back on the house hunt. BOO.

Now, on to my car. Josh and I had been doing very well with sharing a car for a month or so, but it was getting really hard on both us. If one went in to work before the other, then the other had to find a ride or something do until time for work. And the same went for when we were done with work. So, after saving some money and using my tax return money I had enough money for a down payment on a new (well, used, but new to me) car. We went to Marshal Mize Ford and got approved to do the Buy Here- Pay Here deal they have. (Being a server really stinks when you go to get loans...there is no real proof of income so loan officers don't particularly want to risk giving you money, especially in today's world). Sooo...I got myself a 2002 Chevy Blazer.(I would have a picture, but for some reason, my camera won't work.) I love love love it. And it was very handy in moving our stuff last week. 2 trips with this, 2 trips with my mom's SUV and 1 trip with a UHAUL and it was all moved!

Well, I do believe that is it for the update. Still working like crazy and having fun on my days off. Lookin' for a new home and cruisin' the town in my new ride. Ha. Yup, that's it. Until next time (Which I PROMISE won't be like a month away. My bad.).

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