Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Home

Or at leat rejuvenating our now home. This is my major goal for this year, which I'm really hoping it can be done in less than a year. And this is not just limited to our actual living space. I want to create an organzied, money smart, and efficient lifestyle for Josh and myself.

1. Money
I know it's really hard to create a budget on our income; we never really know exactly how much we are going to bring home in a week, month, etc. However, we do have a general idea, and I would love to start using our money more resposibly. I know we can save, we did it all last year and were able to have an absolutely beautiful wedding and amazing honeymoon. What I hope for is to be able to take care all our montly bills by the middle of the month and be able to save for the up coming month. I also want to start being a smart shopper when it comes to groceries and household goods. And while all this is going on, I want to put money into a savings account and start a "nest-egg" for us, just in case anything happens and we need some emergency money.

2. Organization
Since my focus most of last year was the wedding, my house has been less than organized. I tried to work on this after we got back from our honeymoon, but with the holidays, there wasn't much time. I really want to go through the whole house and add new ways of storage and just get things in permanent homes. I never took the time to do this when we moved in, and it's just gotten way out of control. Once we have the house organized, it will be 100x's easier to keep it clean. And a clean house will make me super happy!

3. Laundry
I HAVE to find some way to keep the laundry organized and not allow it to pile up. We don't have a whole lot of closet space, so I need other ways of storing it. This will make Josh super happy!

4. Josh and Me
Yes, this has nothing to do with the actual shape of the house, but in order to have the best family possible, Josh and I really need to work on spending some time together. With our crazy work schedules, we only have one full day off together. The rest of the time we see each other for maybe an hour or so when we get home from work, before we go to bed. Let's be honest, this is not a whole lot of time.

This is just an outline..we will see where our year takes us and how we are progressing. I plan on doing monthly goals, also. I will be keeping you guys posted on all our happenings. Let's get this year started!

P.S. If any of you have an helpful tips, or favorite websites when it comes to cleaning, budgeting, orgazination, etc. PLEASE PASS IT ON! I would love to hear what you guys do to keep things going as smoothly as possible!

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