Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Baby, Baby, Baby

That's right friends. Our family is welcoming a new member! Josh and I are................going to be an aunt and uncle!!!! (Again).  Ha! Betcha thought we were pregnant, didn't ya!? Well, no such luck...for now. But Chris and Kittie, they are having a little one. Due in March. We are beyond excited. Josh and I already have a nephew on his side, but I didn't get to spend much time with him when he was a baby. Hopefully with this new budle of joy we can kidnap him every once and awhile and have him here with us. Now mind you, I say him....but we have no idea if it's a boy or girl. And we may not until March gets here. Chris wants it to be a surprise, Kittie would like to know. But I have a feeling Chris will win this one. And that's okay....even if I can start buying gender specific items....there's toooooons of other stuff I can load up on. Man, this is going to be one spoiled baby.


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