Monday, February 11, 2013

Ravens vs. 49ers

As most of you (at least those that follow football) the Super Bowl was back in the beginning of the month. We decided to finally have some friends over to our house for the final game of the season and we were beyond excited. Josh and I made a whole bunch of food and got the house all ready for the big game. We smoked up some  a whole heck of a lot of chicken wings, I whipped up some homemade pizza rolls, jalapeno cheese dip, made some steak fajita rolls, and whole lot of other goodies were spread all over our kitchen. Only a small handful of friends were able to make it, but we definitely had a blast! Unfortunately, we were so busy having all that fun, and eating all that food, I completely forgot to get any pictures. And to be completely honest, I don't even remember the end score of the game! How embarrassing. I do know, however, that the Baltimore Ravens did win...YAY! Josh was going for the 49ers, so of course I had to go with the Ravens. And at some point after the game, I fell asleep, waking up some time after midnight to just me and Josh in the house. hahah. This one definitely had a lot of fun. Hopefully we can keep it as a yearly tradition. And now we wait 8 months until football starts back up again. What will we do until then?!?!?

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