Sunday, December 27, 2009


Since Josh and I have been together we usually go to his parents' house in Helen, GA for Thanksgiving. However, this year we did not for two reason: 1. our work schedules would not allow for enough time to actually enjoy being there and 2. my whole family came in town to spend Thanksgiving at my parents house. I felt really selfish wanting to spend Thanksgiving at my parents house just because we would also be spending Christmas with them as well. Which meant to holiday time with the O'Dells. Thankfully though his parents are very understanding about our crazy work hours and the fact that my family would be here, so we promised to catch up another time. So, all 8 of us (Mom, Dad, Nana, Poppop, Chris, his girlfriend Kittie, Josh, and myself) gathered around the dinig room table for a delicious meal of turkey and dressing, green been caserole, holiday vegetables, cranberry sauce, harvard beets, creamed corn, and of course the Landis family homemade rolls. After gorging ourselves in this wonderful meal my mom spent hours preparing we finished it up with of course a couple of naps and then coconut cream pie and pumpkin pie. It was a great day spent with my family, unfortunately it was the only day Josh and I got to spend with them because we had to go straight back to work the next day and everyone else had to be heading back to their homes. But at least we got that one day. And the best part of it all...yes there is still a best part.I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT!!!! Chris and Kittie are expecting a baby in June 2010!

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