January: I turned 24!!
We had a crazy snow storm where I had to walk to save my momma, then we both
trekked back to my house. Josh also had to park his car on the side of the road and
walk home, which meant walking back to his car in the morning so we could have a car
and get to work. The good thing about it, Lola got to play in the snow for the first time!
February: We had a tree fall on our house and my car. Enough said.
March: I bought my Blazer, Randy. (I don't think I ever actually introduced him, but that's his name.)
April: We found out we would not be able to move back into our old house, and began looking
for a new place to live. We also took some beautiful pictures at our church's gardens.
May: We moved into our new (and current) home.
June: My best friend, Amy, got married on the 12.
My other best friend, Rikki, married a friend of mine from High School, Austin on the 26.
July: We were super busy with work, and really didn't do anything fun. :(
August: Josh and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary.
September: Josh turned 28...AAAAND WE GOT ENGAGED!
both our bars had parties we had to dress up for.

November: We celebrated Thanksgiving with Josh's parents.
November: We celebrated Thanksgiving with Josh's parents.
December: This Christmas we had both of our parents at our house. It was lots of fun to be able
to have everyone together. OH, and it snowed!
Wow! I really didn't think that a lot had happened in 2010, but once I started looking back, we had a lot of good, and bad in our lives! All in all, it really was a great year, but 2011 is going to be even better! I just know it...I mean, I am getting MARRIED! Anyway, I hope 2010 was good to you all, and that 2011 brings even more happiness. Be safe, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!