Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year to all!! I can't believe it's a new year already; seems like we just started 2010. But, I couldn't be more excited about 2011. New beginnings and new memories to form. Oh, and have I mentioned..I'M GETTING MARRIED THIS YEAR!!! No, I'm not excited one bit.
Well, I'm sure just like everyone else, I have made a few New Year's Resolutions; things I want to get accomplished this year or even just things to improve my life and household. I'm not really very good about keeping up with resolutions, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this year IS going to be different. I'm also going to be trying out either monthly or weekly goals, but that is still to be decided. Hey, I think I'm doing pretty good in just making plans for the whole year, am I right?? Alright, so here is my list:

1. Reorganize and keep my house organized. I realized during all the Christmas festivities that my house is not organized AT ALL. This will be fixed.
2. Keep up with laundry...including actually putting it away. I am soooo bad about this and Josh will be very, very happy to see this one come true.
3. Meal plan for days Josh and I have off together and grocery shop weekly. Again, Josh will be proud.
4. Budget our money every week as best as we can and start saving as much as possible for the wedding.
5. Make out a plan of when I want things done for wedding and what needs to get done, AND STICK TO IT.
6. Work out and lose some weight! Wanna look my very bestest in my pretty white dress. :)
7. Start working on my family genealogy again. I had started once, worked on it for a good while..then stopped. Time to pick that back up again.
8. Read more. I love reading...I have time now, just need to actually do it.
9. Take more pictures. I always have my camera with me, but usually forget all about it. No more my friends.
10. Work on my scrapbooks. Again, something I really like doing, and I had started a huge family scrapbook. But, it has been collecting dust. I need to work on getting that finished and starting on one for Josh and myself.
11. And last, at least for now..try to have friends over to our house more often. There for awhile we would do a cook out/in with another couple that we are friends with..but with the holidays, we didn't get to have them over. Time to start that back up again.

Well, that's my list. It seems like a lot, but in reality it's just a lot of little things that I want to work on. I haven't figured out month goals or anything; I might have that posted by tomorrow. Hopefully.

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