Thursday, February 2, 2012

January Recap I was super pumped about January and starting off fresh. I did really well in the first couple of weeks, but then work got in the way...again...and I ended up not getting everything done. But then again, I was super ambitious, right??? Well, let's just see how far I really got on this list.


-Make my cash envelopes:
I in fact have 2.5 done. For my birthday (which I never posted about, I'm sorry.) My mom
bought me a sewing machine. While we were out I picked out the fabric for 5 envelopes. They are really easy to make, but with scheduling..I only got half way done.
-Make "Our Week" frames : CHECK! Aaaand I even posted about it here.
-Create household planner: I pritned everything I think I need for it, but have yet actually put it all together.
-Start decluttering and organizing house: I failed. I failed so bad, I don't even wanna talk about it.
-Put away Christmas decorations: CHECK!


-Make new pillows for living room: I got all the supplies for it, just need to get it done.
-Make new wreath for front door: CHECK! I actually just used one of the wreaths from our wedding, added a couple other flowers to it. And a brand new wreath!

-Meal plan: The only "mealing planning" I did was last week when I made chili and sloppy joes for Josh to reheat for dinner while I was at work. And I bought a ton of groceries so there would be plenty for us to eat. So, half check?! I think so.
-1 new recipe: CHECK! Remember my Pesto Chicken Pasta? Yup, brand spankin' new!
-1new recipe: I made cookie/brownies one night while Josh made fried chicken. Delicious!

-1 date night with Josh: I didn't document it, but I'm pretty sure this is a CHECK. We stayed home a lot. Cooked dinners, made desserts, and watched movies. So yeah, CHECK.
-Celebrate 26th birthday: OH Lordy, CHECK! I know I never posted about it, but it was a blast. Good times with friends and family.
-Take at least 10 pictures: I haven't gone through my pics yet, but I'm pretty sure this is a CHECK.

-Find a work out regime and work out 2 times a week: FAIL.
-Read 2 books: I finally finished Water for Elephants (fantastic, by the way) and started The Carrie Diaries
-Have a lunch date with 1 friend: I didn't have lunch, but the other week we had Amy and Jonathan over for dinner and games. That counts, right???

1 comment:

SarahKL said...

Whooo hooo!! Go girl! I think you did fabulously! You got a LOT accomplished! :)