Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kitchen Reorganization

Remember how I kept on saying I was going to reorganize my kitchen?? Yeah, I vaguely remember something said about that too (ha, just put it as a goal for the last 4 months!) Well, it's DONE! That's right, you heard. D-O-N-E DONE!. And I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out. I was so lucky to have my mom and dad bring us a couple pieces of furniture for our dining room. They gave a little hutch and butler stand so we have lots more storage and then Mom was gracious and donated her Sunday afternoon stay and help me clean my kitchen and get everything in it's proper home. And now, as long as Josh and I can keep it clean (which we better) we have a sparkling, beautiful, and organized place for us to cook. Take a look at these before and afters:


Just absolute chaos. Dishes overflowing in the sink and tuperware falling out of the cabinet whenever you opened the door. RIDICULOUS. 

These are the cabinets right around our stove. The two on the sides are used as pantries, since we don't have a for real one, and the one up top is for spices and other cooking needs.    

 These are the two side cabinets right below our pantry cabinets. Before it was just a mess of pots, pans, lids, and other things we would need for cooking. But now, it's all clean and each piece has a home of it's very own.

And this is my nice and neat tuperware cabinet. Amazing isn't it?! Mom and I went through and matched lids to the bottoms then went from there. It is so much easier to find what we need to store left overs or other foods, and we don't have to worry about an avalanche of plastic-ware coming at us every time we even look at the cabinet. 

This was another cabinet that an utter disaster. It had become one of those cabinets that if I didn't know where to put something, it just crammed in here. You know what I'm talking about. It's kinda like that coat closet you have in your hallway. Don't lie. You know.  But now it is a home for small appliances that aren't used every day and my baking-ware. Love. 

 And these pictures are the finish product! Everything has a home, and my counters aren't cluttered. Oh, and I found those sticker decals at Target. They are amazing; red, black, and white dotted circles. Not only do they match, but they peel right off, with no damage to the surfaces!

I am so very happy and proud of how the kitchen turned out. There are just a few more things I want to make/ find for decor...the window really needs some love. But we (meaning I) are still undecided. Our (meaning my) next project........

It actually looks a lot worse than this picture leads you to believe. Promise. 


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