Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December Goals

Isn't she adorable?!?!
 Ok, so obviously I just got done going over November goals...and well, it wasn't really pretty. So, with it being December, and  a LOT going on, we are going to keep the goals to a minimum. Here we are:
*Meal plan
*Christmas shop
*Celebrate with work Christmas party
*Celebrate Christmas with family
*Celebrate New Year's with Josh (maybe some friends, too??)
*Send out Christmas cards
*Finish Christmas crafts:
      -chalkboard gift tags
      - icicle ornaments
      - snowman painting for kitchen
Not TOO much, but just enough with how much I work, and all that needs to get done. Bring it on, December.
And on a completely different note, I TOTALLY forgot to mention some big news. About a week before Thanksgiving, Chris and Kittie informed me they found out the gender of Baby Landis. However, because my parents planned on spending Thanksgiving with them, they wanted me to keep the secret so they could surprise them at Thanksgiving. And let me tell you, that was one of the hardest things I have ever done!!! But, luckily now everyone knows, and they have even made it "Facebook Official" so....I am proud to announce that Baby Landis is a.......(drum roll please)....a beautiful.....baby.......
Beautiful already. Due April 4.

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