Tuesday, December 4, 2012

November Goals

Within a blink of an eye, November came and went. I don't even know how it happened, and unfortunately, that means that a lot did not get done around 805. So let's recap real quick what I wanted to get done, and what actually DID get done. (Don't worry, this will be quick.)

*Read 2 books   FAIL!!! Not only did I not have any books in mind, I don't think I even glanced at a book. Horrible.
*Limit of 2 fast food days   Sorta....I can't say that we only ate fast food twice, but I can say that we ate it A LOT less than we used to. So, that's still an improvement.
*Celebrate our 1 year anniversary  CHECK! And there's even a post, Our First Anniversary.
*Celebrate Thanksgiving  CHECK!! More about it here.
*Lunch with 2 friends FAIL.
*Football night with friends  CHECK...even though I never took pictures, or even mentioned it, we did get to hang out with friends for a few different games.
*Re-do dining room chairs, finally  CHECK!!!!! Look at the fabulous transformation.
*Make a kitchen chalk board FAIL
*Find paint colors for the house Sorta...I picked out a bunch of paint chips, but have not actually made any decisions.
*List of house wants/needs  FAIL
*Organize/clean out clothes Sorta...I organized, MOST of the clothes...and went through a fair amount, but we definitely need a whole day spent doing this...
*Work on Josh's man cave FAIL. Nothing was accomplished other than putting up some pictures and moving boxes out.
*Weekly grocery shopping CHECK
*Meal planning CHECK....well...for the most part. HA.
*Christmas shopping list CHECK
*Save 25% of weekly earnings FAIL. Hard to do when you gotta buy for the holidays.

So there ya have it folks. I'd like a lot more green in that list, but not too horrible considering we just moved into the house, and we had Thanksgiving. Yes, I am trying to justify my lack of motivation, time in November. And I'd like to say it will be better in December, but let's just be honest.....it probably won't.

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