Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year to all! And in the spirit of New Year's, let's make a list of resolutions, shall we??

1. LOSE WEIGHT! Just like I'm sure most people I would like to lose a few of those holiday pounds as quickly as possible.
2. BE MORE STRICT WHEN IT COMES TO LOLA. Lola is not very well with the potty training and being calm, so this needs to change. In order to do such, I have to put my foot down when it comes to scolding her and actually working with her to be a better behaved puppy.
3.KEEP MY HOUSE CLEAN. I hate a messy house, and it will no longer be such.
4. STAY AT HOME MORE OFTEN. Josh and I have gotten into a very bad habit of going out to eat, which inevitably leads to going out for drinks after, just because we happen to be out. This unfortunately has lead us to be poor.
5. SAVE MONEY. There are tons of things that I want to either buy or do this year, and in order to do so, I have got to be better at saving money.

That's all for now, I'm sure I will of tons others, just like always do. But, maybe if I keep my list short I will actually get things accomplished unlike other years. I feel it already, it's going to be a good year with lots of great memories and lots of good changes. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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