Monday, June 18, 2012

Secret 1 Revealed & Other Things

I know you all have been anxiously awaiting for me to stop being so dadgum vague about some of the going ons around here. I know I had already told everyone that Josh was no longer bartending..however, I left you all in the dark about what his next step in life would be. Well, my friends, wait no longer. Shortly after leaving the world of mixologist, Josh took on a job as a customer service rep at Convergy's. For those of you who don't know, Convergy's is a local call center, working with mega companies, like Direct TV and others.

Last Monday, Josh started training for his "big boy job". He will have 3 weeks of training, 2 weeks of transition, and then be on his own to take all customer service related calls. He is pretty excited to be taking this next step in his life, and is really hoping that it is the perfect fit for him. We get benefits, the possibility of a set schedule for him, as well as lots of perks. It really seems like a great company, and it will also give Josh the chance for advancement not only in his career..but also with his education. We are excited. Unfortunately, it's still nights, but that could last just a short time. It really all just depends on what is available at the time his training ends.

On his first day, we didn't plan very well, and he had to purchase his dinner from the lunch room..which let's just be honest, it's a place with tables and overpriced food from a vending machine. After being told of the prices and selection of food, I went out and bought him is very own lunch box and started to put together lunches/dinners for him. I got really excited about this. It gave me a chance to once again get super organized and OCD. Rather than describing it...I'll just show you.

Josh laughs at me...but really I know he loves it. He gets to have samiches everyday (his fav) and can just reach into the fridge grab what he wants..and BOOM! His lunch is packed. I am a miracle working mighty mouse. haha. 

So there ya go. All is revealed. At least about that. We still have a few other secrets. Be patient. 

On another note, we had a very busy weekend. On Friday, we met up with Amy and Jonathan for dinner and fun at Riverbend. It had been waaay too long since we all got to hang out, and we all had a blast. 

Then, on Sunday we had my parents over for a little Father's Day cook-out. Most of the afternoon the boys spent their time looking at Josh's car, trying to figure out why it won't work (it hasn't worked in about a year case no one knew) while Mom and I sat around talking and looking at the newspaper. Once the boys got cleaned up and us girls finally decided what would be for dinner, we fired up the grill for some tasty steaks and veggies.

 Afterward we played some cards until it was too dark to see, and Dad was about to fall asleep. It was a really good day, and we were really happy we were all off from work and able to spend the day together. 

And..just on a side-note...if you all could keep my dog..actually my parents' dog in your thoughts and prayers. Over the weekend he sprained his big deal right? Well, before my mom went to work this morning, she noticed his leg was even more swollen than before. She loaded him back into the car and took him to work with her. Turns out he not only had broken his leg, rather high up, but that he most likely has bone cancer. We are unsure as to how he broke his leg...but because of the possible cancer, the leg can not be saved. They are going to amputating the entire leg tomorrow. The good thing about doing this is that hopefully the tumor will be gone, and we can also send out the bone for testing to see where we need to go from there. He is a super sweet dog, and is in so much pain right now. I will update on his condition as soon as I know more. 

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