Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Let's Get Physical...Physical!

Is the song in your head now, too? Good I'm not alone!

Sunday, while out with my mom shopping, I decided I have a had enough of being unhealthy. I'm not really sure what flipped the switch, maybe it was trying on clothes and not being super pleased with how it looked, or finding great deals on workout stuff, but something changed that day. I have been saying for a over a year now (since I was giving a Wii Fit and planning the wedding)  how I want to get in shape and be healthier, but never actually doing anything about it. Times are a-changin' my friends.

After Mom and I got back to my house, we put on some workout clothes, laced up our new walkin' shoes and headed out to conquer the hills of Fairfax Drive and Azalean Drive (About 1.5 miles, pretty good startin' out if you ask me). She even came over after work on Monday to do our walk as well. It's hard at first, especially on Monday when we were so sore from Sunday, but I love pushing myself, and feeling more awake and energized. I didn't get to do anything yesterday because I had to work. However, I did get another walk in this evening and worked out in the living room for about 30 minutes.

Now, in order to make sure this just isn't another one of my phases, I'm going to ask you guys to help keep me accountable. I'm going to try my best to post a weekly (let's be honest, daily is just a bit annoying) journal of how far I've walked, how long it took me, what other exercises I did, and maybe even a little bit of a food journal. If anyone has any comments, or words of wisdom and advise, please share them with me. I've never been one that likes a "typical" workout, but that's just because of dance. Dance class and practice was my work out. I don't have the endurance for something that extreme quite yet, so anything helpful will be much appreciated! Since I started on Sunday, I will try to post  my journals on Sundays. I'm actually really excited about this. EEK!!

Maybe I can even get Josh to join me....maybe....



Lindsy said...

Do it!!!!! Exercise is addicting. RJ is doing bootcamp with me and loves it not to mention it's awesome to spend time together in a healthy way.

rikki said...

get the runkeeper app on your cell phone, it tracks how far you walk and how fast and even maps it out for you! and come work out in my basement with me and jillian michaels. :)